
2015_02_07_6196_skærm,72 dpi,1346 x 723

Through microscopic investigation of this work with cells and tissue I found a kind of relationship in the way that the liquid, hot glass and living cells behave. This became the inspiration for ‘Forms’, ‘Embryo’ and ‘Puffin’. The objects, ‘Forms’, are approx. 40cm across, opaque, blown glass and a sandblasted, matt surface.

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White Form, Ø: 40 cm, blown glass, sandblasted

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Red Form, Ø: 38 cm, blown glass, sandblasted

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Puffin, Ø: 35 cm, blown glass, sandblasted

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Lilac Form, Ø 35cm, blown glass, sandblasted

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Embryo, green. L: 45 cm, blown glass, sandblasted

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Blue Form, Ø: 37 cm, blown glass, sandblasted