Curious I sniff around and gather impressions. If I am lucky, I find what I did not know, I was looking for. It can turn out to be the very excuse and kick, that I need in order to delve into the investigation of my next work. Things that fascinate me, can be a specific place, a soup bone, the way in which cells move in a liquid or the structure of a broccoli stem. Ideas take shape. My hands are working with clay, plaster, rubber, wax and glass, opening up new possibilities in all directions. At times the medium or technique dictates the creative expression, at other times it is the other way around.
So this is how I spend my days in the studio: exploring, pushing boundaries, gaining courage, daring to learn, working, doubting, discarding, marvelling…
Lotte Thorsøe
1964 / Born, Aarhus, Denmark.
2011 / Opening Atelier Lotte Thorsøe, Mariager.
2002-05 / Co-owner of Glasgalleriet Klintegaarden, Århus, Denmark.
Public Collections and galleries
The International Collection of Glass, Kanazawa, Japan.
North Lands Collection of Glass, Caithness, Scotland.
Designmuseum, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Denmark.
Hempel Glasmuseum, Nykøbing Sjælland, Denmark.
Hempel Glass Award 2011.
Kunsthåndværkerprisen af 1879, bronze medal, 2000.
Statens Kunstfond, working grants from The Danish Government, 2000, 04, 06, 08, 09,16
1995-2000 / Design School Kolding, Department for Ceramics and glass, Denmark.
1991-93 / Apprentice in Transjö Hytta, Sweden with J.E. Ritzman and S.Å. Carlsson.
1989-89 / The International Glass Centre, Brierley Hill, England.
Other experiences
2007, 03 / External consultant, School for Glass & Ceramics, Bornholm, Denmark.
2001 / Freelance designer for the Holmegaard Factory, Denmark.
1994 / Glassblower at Åfors Factory, Kosta Boda, Sweden.
2009 / Artist-in- Residency, Guldagergaard, Ceramic Research Center, Denmark.
2004 / Artist-in- Residency, North Lands Creative Glass, Scotland.
Selected exhibitions
2016/ Dronninglund Kunstcenter, group show with ArtCoMa.
2015 / DG 15 – 40 years of contemporary glass in Denmark, Glasmuseet Ebeltoft.
Baunhøj Mølle, Grenå, Denmark, group show with ArtCoMa.
2014 / Glasss, Sophienholm, Copenhagen.
Coburger Glaspreis 2014, Europäisches Museum für moderns Glas, Germany.
Makers of Today, Kunsthal Nord, Aalborg.
4TEMPERAMENTER- i væv og glas, Kunstetagerne, Hobro.
2013 / Glasss, Holstebro Kunstmuseum.
2012 / Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, group show.
2011 / Hempel Glass Award, Hempel Glasmuseum, Nykøbing Sjælland.
Substans, Bredgade Kunsthandel, Copenhagen.
Glass 2011, Gjøvik, Norway.
2010 / FRAGMENTS, mixed media, solo show, Glasmuseet Ebeltoft.
2008 / Girls just wanna have fun, group show, Traver Gallery-Tacoma, USA.
Bevægelse, FAB5, Galleri Grønlund, Denmark.
2008, 07 / Transparency contemporary Danish glass;
Art Beijing, China, Guangdong Museum of Art, China.
Lutzen 4A Gallery, Chengdu, China.
Gana Art Center, Seoul, Korea and Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea.
2007 / FAB5, Karlshamn Konsthall, Sweden.
2006 / Reflections, The National Museum of Scotland, Edinbrugh, Scotland.
2005 / Måske SortGalleri Specta, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Collect, The Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England.
Flow Gallery, London, England.
2004 / New Glass from Denmark, The William Traver Gallery, USA.
Biennial of Crafts and Design, Trapholt Museum, Denmark.
Collect, The Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England.
2003 / Carlyn Gallery, Paris, France.
2002 / Gallerie Carla Koch, Amsterdam, Holland.
Forårsudstillingen Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2001 / The International Exhibition of Glass, Kanazawa, Japan.
Glas 2002, Royal Scandinavia, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nordiska Kristall Magasinet, Stockholm, Sweden.
2000 / Design Museet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1997 / Transjö over the World, Smålands Glassmuseum, Sweden.
Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond af 1968.
Dalhoff Larsen Fonden.
Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond.
Knud Højgaards Fond.
Ellen og Knud Dalhoff Larsens Fond.
Augustinus Fonden.
Krista og Viggo Petersens Fond.
Politiken Fonden.
Nordisk Råd, foundation for Danish-Swedish co-operation.
Kolding Kommune.
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